There are many popular brands of stretch mark cream available in the market and one of them is Trilastin SR Stretch Mark Complex. Information about this particular brand of stretch mark cream is available in various Trilastin SR reviews published on the web. Gathered in this post are essential information from those reviews and the official website of Trilastin to help buyers who're considering using this cream understand more about the product. To ensure that they select the best brand, comprehensive research about the product is necessary.

Trilastin SR is manufactured by EC Research Corp, a company selling skin care products for several years now. Trilastin SR is making use of an exclusive formula to effectively eliminate stretch marks. This product is said to offer great results both in preventing stretch marks and treat existing ones. The use of this brand of stretch mark cream shows rapid results according to several reviews. Significant reduction of the appearance of stretch marks is seen in as little as three weeks.

According to the official website of Trilastin SR, the use of their product is ideal for both men and women. This stretch mark cream is also said to be hypoallergenic, odorless, and they are suitable for various skin types. Trilastin SR is also guaranteed to work effectively and EC Research Corp is offering a sixty day money back guarantee if consumers are not satisfied with the results they see. All these claims by the maker of this stretch mark cream are also confirmed by many Trilastin SR reviews.

In order for buyers to get good results, they're advised to apply the cream regularly. About two to 3 times per day, the cream is either massaged or rubbed in the affected region of the skin until it is absorbed. Collagen is then produced in the skin after the cream is absorbed according to the official website of Trilastin SR. Collages are proteins found in the body that helps treat various skin problems including stretch marks. Also to lessen the appearance of stretch marks, the active ingredients of Trilastin SR also helps moisturize the skin.

Although this particular brand of stretch mark cream is more costly than other leading brands, a lot of Trilastin SR reviews are still suggesting the use of it since it provides advantages. At about $87.00, Trilastin can be bought from its official website. It is also available in other web stores but the price can vary and the cash back guarantee might not be included.